pkg method failed

Brandon J. Wandersee brandon.wandersee at
Mon May 2 19:14:23 UTC 2016

Arnab Bhowmick writes:

> Today when i was downloading some package through pkg install method i git
> the following output
> root at arnab:/usr/home/ARNAB # pkg install opera
> Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
> FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
> All repositories are up-to-date.
> The following 7 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
> New packages to be INSTALLED:
>         opera: 12.16_6
>         gstreamer-plugins-good: 0.10.31_2,3
>         gstreamer-plugins-ogg: 0.10.36_1,3
>         gstreamer-plugins-theora: 0.10.36_1,3
>         gstreamer-plugins-vp8: 0.10.23_3,3
>         gstreamer-plugins-bad: 0.10.23_2,3
>         gstreamer-plugins-vorbis: 0.10.36_1,3
> The process will require 53 MiB more space.
> 15 MiB to be downloaded.
> Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
> Fetching opera-12.16_6.txz: 100%   13 MiB 109.3kB/s    02:04
> pkg: cached package opera-12.16_6: size mismatch, fetching from remote
> Fetching opera-12.16_6.txz: 100%   13 MiB 139.7kB/s    01:37
> pkg: cached package opera-12.16_6: size mismatch, cannot continue
> root at arnab:/usr/home/ARNAB #
> Can anyone say that why i got this massage?

The message claims that the size of the package as recorded in the
database doesn't match the size of the package that was downloaded. Try
deleting the package from the pkg cache or clearing the pkg cache
entirely, then forcibly updating the package database. If that doesn't
clear the error, there may indeed be something wrong with the package.


::  Brandon J. Wandersee
::  brandon.wandersee at
::  --------------------------------------------------
::  'The best design is as little design as possible.'
::  --- Dieter Rams ----------------------------------

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