Upcoming Releases

Doug Hardie bc979 at lafn.org
Wed Mar 9 22:55:04 UTC 2016

> On 7 March 2016, at 16:23, Doug Hardie <bc979 at lafn.org> wrote:
> What I was hoping to find was some form of informal, preliminary version of the release notes or announcements for 10.3 and 11.  I seem to recall some sort of discussion of that back when the decision was made to drop bind from the base.  I wasn't able to find it though.

I recently saw a comment in one of the maillists that 11.0 was likely to have the new packetized base feature.  That tells me that 11.0 is most likely to be dicey to work with.  I am reminded when the new pkg system came out and the supporting servers were compromised.  It caused me a lot of issues.  I still have one production server I can't upgrade the ports as its setup for the temporary solution.  I can't recall what I changed and making it look like the working systems doesn't help.  Thus, I will skip 11.0 and wait for the dust from that to settle.  I'll be upgrading to 10.3 in June.

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