Problems with pf rules for intercept squid proxy

C. L. Martinez carlopmart at
Tue Jun 28 13:08:09 UTC 2016

Hi all,

 I have some problems with my pf rules on a FreeBSD 10.3 host that acts as a squid intercept proxy. My actual pf rules are:

rdr pass on $vpnif proto tcp from $int_network to any port http -> lo0 port 5144
rdr pass on $vpnif proto tcp from $int_network to any port https -> lo0 port 5145

 At first stage it seems that these rules works, but don't. Traffic is redirected to squid, but squid denies all connections:

 1467111934.502      1 TCP_DENIED/403 4221 GET - HIER_NONE/- text/html

 Using same squid.conf's file under an OpenBSD test machine, squid works without problems. For this reason, I don't think there is some problem with my squid's config. The only difference between this OpenBSD host and FreeBSD are the pf rules. In OpenBSD host, pf rules are:

pass in inet proto tcp from $int_network to any port http divert-to port 5144
pass in inet proto tcp from $int_network to any port https divert-to port 5145

 .. and all works ok.

 Any idea why squid denies connections using FreeBSD's pf rules??


C. L. Martinez

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