"Flawed female characters who are allowed to have feelings"

0s&1s Reads no-reply at 0s-1s.com
Thu Jan 28 15:14:32 UTC 2016

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** Now in The Art of Commerce (http://0s-1s.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b13909becbf6e1906015962fa&id=f8b7739b7f&e=815066ea78) : Amanda Nelson on snobbery, gender and genre, the line between editorial and sales, YA-shaming & more

You feel as though the YA-shaming (for lack of a better word) has to do with the gender makeup of that genre then?

Well with YA specifically, that's even more granular: the authors of these huge blockbuster series are women, they're writing about complicated and fascinating and flawed female characters who are allowed to have feelings, and they're being read by teenage girls (the group of people whose tastes we most love to mock). So it's a kind of trifecta. And I don't think it's purposeful, I don't think most cultural critics are sitting down and thinking, ugh, I'm so tired of all these GIRLS and their FEELINGS on the best-seller lists. But at the bottom of YA "shaming," that's basically what it is.

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** Now in A Bit Contrived (http://0s-1s.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b13909becbf6e1906015962fa&id=410176289d&e=815066ea78) : Paul Goldberg on Something About Commedia, a book which does not exist

"Yes, Volodya, did read it. Of course. This novel was finished and lost in the late 1980s, during the time knows as the Weimar Russia. At that time, taxi drivers were unable to accept hard currency (dollars are hard currency, though sometimes I wonder), but were unwilling to accept rubles, because they were completely devalued. So, American cigarettes became the currency of choice. To get a cab to stop, you had to brandish a pack of Marlboros. Volodya was no ordinary driver. He was a disgraced professor of literature, had a candidate's degree in foreign literature. He knew immediately that the manuscript had value and he took it with him in his subsequent travels, which ended with him combining the Uber gig with stints as an adjunct professor of Russian literature."

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** Now in magazines: Ambit (http://0s-1s.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b13909becbf6e1906015962fa&id=3806ef1a88&e=815066ea78)  (London)


"Ambit is a surreptitious peek inside a private world. Without it such vital sparks of inspiration could well be lost for ever."— Ralph Steadman

The first Ambit appeared on magazine racks and bookshelves in the summer of 1959. Since then we’ve produced over 200 issues featuring some of the 20th century’s greatest writers and artists.

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** Now on #backlist (http://0s-1s.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b13909becbf6e1906015962fa&id=9fb1d37356&e=815066ea78) : Cities of Salt by Abdel Rahman Munif, translated by Peter Theroux

Every week, we pick one lost classic from reader recommendations—and we're now taking suggestions (http://0s-1s.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b13909becbf6e1906015962fa&id=83fae95bf5&e=815066ea78) .

When this novel was published in Beirut in 1984, it was immediately recognized for its power. Robert Wechsler, who recommended the book to us, said that its greatness is "based largely on what isn't there, such as sense of time, protagonists, women, plot, and voice. The reason is that the society being pictured – Saudi society at the dawn of American oil exploration – apparently had little sense of time, was very communal, left women to themselves, changed very slowly...and would not recognize the concept of voice."

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