dc(1) bugs

CK nibbana at gmx.us
Wed Jan 13 07:28:10 UTC 2016

I expect it to be a well-tested tool, since it is the oldest tool,
part of the UNIX base system, and the only tool that will peform
arbitrary precision calculations on a command-line and in a shell
script and other programs that make use of those capabilities.

Supposedly, OpenBSD rewrote it to make use of their "big num"
library (or something similar).  Anyway, it is an important and
valuable tool for the shell, and what WordPress has to do with
anything related to dc(1) I certainly do not know.  Most people
don't use FreeBSD either, does that imply removal from the system?
Ruby and Vim are not arbitary precision programming languages.  I
don't care for any of those languages: Ruby, Python, Perl, etc.
Awk/Mawk is perfectly satisfactory for anyone that knows C, and
far faster.  No, it doesn't have libraries like the others, but
that is what C is for.  Anyway, the question was to verify that
these are indeed bugs before submitting a bug report.

> I do not expect "dc" to be a well-tested tool. Probably
> 100k*more people use software like WordPress etc.
> My way to do calculations is in Ruby, mostly by pipe or
> self-written commands in Vim. Surely there are similar ways
> to do such things using Perl or Python. If you really insist
> on "dc" you shouldn't be afraid of debugging that.
> Let me propose to remove "dc" from the base system because
> fixing the bugs is too much work in respect to what
> installable tools provide nowadays.
> Bertram
> --
> Bertram Scharpf
> Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany
> http://www.bertram-scharpf.de

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