dc(1) bugs

Bertram Scharpf lists at bertram-scharpf.de
Wed Jan 13 05:47:39 UTC 2016


On Tuesday, 12. Jan 2016, 19:23:36 -0900, CK wrote:
> These appear to be bugs to me, but please verify if possible:
> $ dc -xe '50k16o16i.1vp'
> 0
> $ dc -xe '50k10o16i.1vp'
> 0
> $ dc -xe '50k10o10i.1vp'
> 31622776601683793319988935444327185337195551393252

First of all:

  $ cat '50k10o10i.1vp'

I do not expect "dc" to be a well-tested tool. Probably
100k*more people use software like WordPress etc.

My way to do calculations is in Ruby, mostly by pipe or
self-written commands in Vim. Surely there are similar ways
to do such things using Perl or Python. If you really insist
on "dc" you shouldn't be afraid of debugging that.

Let me propose to remove "dc" from the base system because
fixing the bugs is too much work in respect to what
installable tools provide nowadays.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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