dd question

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Mon Sep 28 01:00:50 UTC 2015

On Sun, 27 Sep 2015, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:

> If I use disklabel to add a 'd' slice, will that mess up what is already 
> there ? What is the syntax for that, I don't see it in the disklabel/bsdlabel 
> man page ? The man page for disklabel/bsdlabel shows a way to initialize a 
> whole disk using 'fdisk -BI <dev>' & implies that this will create a 'da0s1' 
> slice in the process. However it will also wipe out what is already there. If 
> I do that, can I then copy the img-file contents in some way ? Thanks & TIA 
> :-) ....

Please stop using fdisk and bsdlabel.  gpart(8) does everything they do 
and is easier to use.

Messing with a bsdlabel installer image is probably a waste of time, but 
yes, you can add a partition (a bsdlabel partition).  Or you can 
probably use growfs to expand the filesystem to the size of the drive. 
If you already have images on the network, consider mounting them with 
NFS instead.

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