Replacing Drive with SSD

Doug Hardie bc979 at
Wed Sep 16 05:44:22 UTC 2015

> On 15 September 2015, at 07:03, Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Sep 2015, Doug Hardie wrote:
>> After spending a lot of time reading through the various responses, I decided to use a larger SSD and use dump/restore to move the data. However, I encountered an interesting problem which I do not have a solution for at this time.  The system will only boot a memstick image.  That works fine.  I formatted the new SSD and got it all setup.  However, none of the current systems have enough space to do a dump on.  I needed to dump from the existing machine over to the new one with the SSD.  The only thing running on the SSD machine is the live file system.  Dump uses rsh/rcmd which need some files set in /root.  Unfortunately that is mounted as read only as its a memstick image.  I can’t see how to easily get dump to dump to a remote system when you can’t get rsh/rcmd to login.
> The live filesystem from an installer will work, although mfsBSD is nicer.
> Pipe the output from dump into an ssh session on the remote machine that runs restore.  Leaving out most of the options for clarity:
> dump -f - | ssh user at remote 'cd /target && restore -rf -'
> If a dump file is desired, it can be created on the SSD filesystem:
> That file can be restored directly on that system.  Since the SSD has essentially zero access time, it does not hurt like restoring a dumpfile on the same drive.

Unfortunately, these approaches don’t work either.  The installer’s live filesystem only has one user, root with a null password.  It can’t start sshd because there are no keys on the live filesystem and /etc is not writable.  Likewise I can’t run nfs on the machine because the exports file cannot be created.  I am downloading mfsBSD to see if that can be made to work.  It does not appear to support ssh, but claims to include nfs.

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