Storage question

Graham Allan allan at
Wed Sep 9 21:42:26 UTC 2015

On 9/9/2015 4:13 PM, Quartz wrote:
> The 10.x installer can set all this up for you if you use the 'root on
> zfs' wizard. You can look at what it does and then learn how to do it
> manually on 9.x

The 9.3 installer includes automatic ZFS partitioning too; it might 
still be labelled as "experimental" but it works just fine. It might 
seem like it's making more datasets than necessary (eg under /var) but 
they come for free with ZFS so you may as well make use of them. It also 
uses some subtleties I never quite understood until reading Michael 
Lucas and Allan Jude's ZFS book, like the /usr dataset with "canmount=no".


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