The FreeBSD Documentation Project: Is it just me or anyone is interested in reading the FAQ and

John m8r-qatwhq at
Thu Oct 29 02:16:36 UTC 2015

On Fri, 23 Oct 2015, jungle Boogie wrote:

> You mean like this:
> There's not an epub format but a pdf, txt, rtf,
> html and ps

Okay, let's see
I've chosen the formats seem to most suitable for my purposes (, that is, to be able to simply generate an ebook from the input (in my case, Kindle, but you can get an EPUB almost the same way):

The HTML almost looks good from here, but when I download, extract and run the main book.html file, the images are not downloaded; even if I open it in a web browser.

The RTF looks broken in Windows 7's WordPad, it freezes LiberOffice and the conversion  crashes under Calibre.

Now I understand there might be issues with different encodings between Unix and Windows, but I don't know much about these issues. I downloaded the .zip versions assuming they are more Windows-friendly.

Now, how to get the Handbook (and FAQ) to my book reader? Thanks!

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