Adding 9.1 disk to 10.2 machine

Ian Fitzgerald ianf at
Tue Oct 27 00:45:20 UTC 2015

I have a second disk with data written on a FreeBSD 9.1 machine. I removed
the disk and used the first disk for a clean install of 10.2.

Re-fitting the second disk, the second disk is recognised as ada1.


I wish to mount it as /disk2 (created on /), without newfs as I wish to
retain the data on it. My attempts at placing an entry in /etc/fstab were

/dev/ada1p2      /disk2    ufs          rw 2 2

But at boot the OS reports disk labelling inconsistency


I am aware that there is a change to the filing system boot procedure, but I
am not sure whether it began at FBD 9.3 or FBD 10.1


Should I reinstall FBD 9.3 (available), look for a 9.1 download, or is there
an easier way using 10.2


Or is my entry in /etc/fstab incorrect?





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