Follow-up install questions

Adam Vande More amvandemore at
Thu Oct 15 16:16:50 UTC 2015

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 8:47 AM, William A. Mahaffey III <wam at>

> I am not streaming 1080p streams on this box, that would be on the smaller
> MythTV box. I will be using the larger box to compile in-house analysis
> code (predominantly CFD, some FEA) & run validation cases, some of which
> can/will produce prodigious amounts of output, ASCII & binary. Larger data
> sets can take plural min. to write on linux mdadm RAID0's, current 1st-hand
> experience w/ the incumbent 1-box compile-farm-&-validation box, Intel
> based. I/O performance *IS* an issue for me, sorry for the bother. I
> configure *ALL* of my boxen to possibly serve as validation & calculation
> boxen, maxed-out RAM & generous swap space. Again, sorry for that bother. I
> am planning to follow the wiki page (
> closely,
> obviously w/ more HDD's, in my setup, with just the one (1) question about
> 'unmirrored zpools'. That page implies that *any* zpool configuration will
> work, I am just trying to verify that & save myself as many bumps in the
> road & wasted time as possible. TIA for any further help & experience or
> sage advice. Have a good one.

You're spending weeks of time reinventing wheels so chasing a wee bit of
disk io speed doesn't compute.  Also using the 9 branch flies in the face
of your stated desires.

A single SATA is going to do about 1GB in 10 seconds which is an order of
magnitude more what a 1Gb NIC would allow to transfer.

> & WTF about white space ?


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