Cross-compilation for ARM

Pierre-Yves Péneau pierre-yves.peneau at
Wed Oct 14 07:56:59 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I need to cross-compile the Rodinia[1] benchmark for an ARMv7
processor which is simulated by gem5[2]. I installed the
gcc-arm-embedded environment and the
compilation passed. There is a problem with the linking operation. It
seems that there is no cross-compiled libOpenCL for ARM on FreeBSD.
Furthermore, I will need CUDA and OpenMP, and as far as I know, those
things are missing too (for ARM environment). Finally, I am using

Am I missing something or I need to install a virtual machine of Linux ?

Thank you.


| Pierre-Yves Péneau            |  first.last at  |
| PhD student - LIRMM - Sysmic  |    + 33 4 67 41 85 85    |
| Bâtiment 4 Bureau H2.2        |    |

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