SSHguard & IPFW

Nino J nino80 at
Thu Oct 1 06:53:08 UTC 2015

On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 7:58 PM, Ian Smith <smithi at> wrote:

> I'm more paranoid and only allow addresses in a table to access sshd's
> port, with a couple of roaming users who need to check mail to update
> their IP before login .. but this is great news for sshguard users.
It's not necessarily paranoid. It depends on your risk assessment. I'm
primarily defending against bruteforce attacks and sshguard effectively
solves that. If I were concerned about possible vulnerability in sshd that
would allow an attacker to bypass the login process or crash sshd on a
machine where ssh access is critical, restricting access to known IPs only
would be a perfectly reasonable solution.

On a side note, if I understood correctly, you're modifying IPFW rules
based on a user successfully checking mail, basically a sort of
port-knocking? Or I totally misinterpreted? :)


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