End user RAM usage survey

Brandon Wandersee brandon.wandersee at zoho.com
Thu May 21 20:31:55 UTC 2015

Currently have Firefox, Emacs server with two clients, LibreOffice writer, cmus,
and a couple shell instances open, while running a port upgrade w/ portmaster,
all inside the i3 window manager. I'm at 956 megabytes of RAM used. The only
time I break 2 gigabytes is when I have a Windows 7 virtual machine running,
since I dedicated 4 gigabytes of RAM to it. My multipurpose server/HTPC is using
less than that.

I've been using these machines (both laptops with Intel i7 CPUs) for almost four
years, and never needed a swap file or partition. The only time I've run out of
RAM was when I tried building a huge set of Haskell packages entirely in RAM (I
thought it was a good idea at the time, for some reason...)

            :: Brandon Wandersee :: brandon.wandersee at zoho.com ::
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."

                                                            - Douglas Adams

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