c_rehash pgm missing from 10.1

Ernie Luzar luzar722 at gmail.com
Sat May 9 17:16:57 UTC 2015

   Mike Clarke wrote:

On Sat, 09 May 2015 12:36:01 -0400
Ernie Luzar [1]<luzar722 at gmail.com> wrote:

I'm trying to setup TLS for qpopper. Have my keys & certs built but get
error saying may need to do c_rehash on directory.
Running the "locate c_rehash" command shows nothing but the man page for
Am I correct in thinking the c_rehash can be run direct from the command

curlew:/home/mike% which c_rehash
curlew:/home/mike% pkg which /usr/local/bin/c_rehash
/usr/local/bin/c_rehash was installed by package openssl-1.0.2_1

   Sure you get those results because you have the pkg version installed.
   But I an using the openssl version that is included in the base system.
   and c_rehash is not there.
   The real question is why is it not included in the base system?


   1. mailto:luzar722 at gmail.com

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