Upgrading a FreeBSD 7.1 server

Robert Fitzpatrick robert at webtent.org
Thu Jan 15 17:48:02 UTC 2015

Daniel Corbe wrote:
> Honestly I don't understand why backing up relevant configuration files and
> reinstalling the operating system isn't a viable choice.  I understand
> that there are deep dark corners of every network that nobody touches
> but a fresh install sounds no more difficult than pulling a crusty
> and ancient system up to a supported release.

The big reason is the lack of disk space available on the virtual host 
to setup another VPS. I'd have to back it all up, wipe it and build a 
new VPS, hoping I don't miss anything.

Glad to hear the upgrade should not be an issue. I know from the release 
notes that since 6.2 it should be possible, but I've heard sometimes you 
can avoid issues by stepping up to lower versions first, so I thought 
I'd ask here.

So, for that matter, I should be able to go straight to 10.1?


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