sendmail && dhcp

Matthias Apitz guru at
Thu Feb 26 20:31:59 UTC 2015

El día Thursday, February 26, 2015 a las 02:59:00PM -0500, Lowell Gilbert escribió:

> Are you sure you *need* sendmail running by default? Most laptops don't. 

Most laptops run Windows and of course I could read my mail like any
poor Windows user with a browser :-) But I don't. I fetch my mails from my
ISP with fetchmail and pipe them through sendmail and procmail (for
filtering); and I send upstream with SMPT && SSL to my ISP using
sendmail. More, if you have to pay the Internet link in a hotel, for
example in Havana time based ($4.50 per hour), it is so nice to connect a
few seconds(!) to fetch all your mails, shutdown the link, read and
answer the mails offline, queue answers with sendmail, and re-open the link for a
few seconds to send the mails out. Isn't this handy?

Matthias Apitz, guru at, +49-170-4527211
La referencia de la Duma a la anexión de la RDA, en este caso al contrario con la Crimlía sin
referéndum, no solamente tiene gracia sino da en el blanco.- 
Marinos Yannikos @MarinosYannikos en un blog de RTdeutsch.

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