What's in my hard drive? How can I get rid of it?

Jerry jerry at seibercom.net
Thu Feb 19 15:29:08 UTC 2015

On Thu, 19 Feb 2015 08:29:06 -0600, Andrew Gould stated:

> Having been a juror for a murder trial (in the US), I was pleasantly
> surprised by the efforts made by the court to give jurors good and clear
> instructions about the consideration of evidence.  I was also pleased,
> during deliberations, that my fellow jurors used those instructions to keep
> the discussion of evidence within its proper boundaries.  My experience may
> not have been the norm; but it certainly wasn't like anything I've seen in
> the movies.

One of the best explanations I have ever heard regarding justice vs. law was
given by a college law professor.He stated that if our legal system was really
about justice and not law then there would be no such thing as the
"Exclusionary rule" <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusionary_rule>.

Prosecutors keep their jobs by convicting people. Police detectives advance
by closing cases. Rarely, if ever, is the innocents or guilt of the
individual ever questioned.

I was involved in a case in the early 80's where an individual I knew
personally was convicted of an armed burglary and sentenced to 10 years. He
had a record of drug abuse charges and was an easy target for the police. I
knew he was innocent because he was with me at the time of the crime.
Explaining the case here would take way to much time; however, suffice to say
the police blackmailed the only other witness who could state where
the supposed perpetrator was with the full and complete support of the DA's


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