What's in my hard drive? How can I get rid of it?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at rocketmail.com
Wed Feb 18 19:40:02 UTC 2015

On Wed, 18 Feb 2015 13:38:15 -0500, kpneal at pobox.com wrote:
>> This one isn't a joke :(, I made music with a gifted musician
>> suffering from psychosis. He was convinced that his dental fillings
>> include something, so that the government was able to control his
>> mind. There are many jokes about dental filling psychosis, since
>> it's a wide spread psychosis. This friend already suffered from this
>> psychosis before RFIDs were invented.  
>Well, whatever you do do _not_ tell him about malware that can be
>controlled via a mic+speaker. Am I the only one who read about malware
>in one laptop sending control messages out the speaker to another
>laptop that had a mic on it? The control messages were inaudible to
>the human ear.

We aren't in contact anymore :(. However, people suffering from
psychosis aren't necessarily prone to everything. He likely is able to
deal with this information in a sane way.

RFIDs can't directly control our minds, but it's too funny, a RFID
could be everywhere in our closes, soles etc. and we wouldn't notice
it. I'm one of those who don't need a mobile. I simply mean it word
by word, "I don't need it" and that's the reason that I don't carry a
mobile wherever I am. However, I'm aware that in my pocket are several
cards with RFID, so theoretically it's possible to follow ever step I
make in the same way, as it is possible to spy people who carry a
handy 24/7. Indirectly this information could be used to have
impact to everybody, you and me. The kind of impact differs. Some of us
are hard or even impossible to manipulate, others are easy to
manipulate, but there always is impact, even to those who can't be
manipulated to change their minds.

The most dangerous isn't collecting data, aren't RFIDs etc., the most
dangerous is that in school they still teach by the left brain/verbal
approach, while we are living in a medial/right brain/visually world.
Less people are educated to handle multimedia in a reflective way.
Western education just teaches how to use multimedia software, not to
think about the consequences.

I don't fear Trojans and similar, I fear unenlightened societies.

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