newsreader connecting on port 563

Matthias Apitz guru at
Fri Feb 6 08:47:02 UTC 2015

El día Friday, February 06, 2015 a las 12:40:19AM -0800, Anton Shterenlikht escribió:

> >A quick google of "slrn tls" shows that slrn is probably able to do it if
> >configured that way at compile time. You'll also need to take the other
> >suggestion of prefixing the server hostname with "snews://" (no quotes).
> >So try that prefix and it might work already.
> Yes, it does.
> Shame nn does not, I'm used to it.

What exactly is your problem with host I just did a test with
nn and it answers fine.

Matthias Apitz, guru at, +49-170-4527211
La referencia de la Duma a la anexión de la RDA, en este caso al contrario con la Crimlía sin
referéndum, no solamente tiene gracia sino da en el blanco.- 
Marinos Yannikos @MarinosYannikos en un blog de RTdeutsch.

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