delete button in console

Bertram Scharpf lists at
Thu Dec 31 19:36:15 UTC 2015


On Thursday, 31. Dec 2015, 14:11:53 -0500, mfv wrote:
> I have similar keybindings that operate as expected for both the
> tty console and virtual console using xterm or urxvt.
> However, the following keybindings (Ctrl+right_key_pad_arrow and
> Crtrl+left_key_pad_arrow) do not work on the tty console:
>     bindkey "\e[1;5C"   forward-word
>     bindkey "\e[1;5D"   backward-word

Does the console produce these escape sequences at all?
Start "dd" and play around with the arrow keys to find out
what the keys get translated to.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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