which label to use in mount?

Sergei G sergeig.public at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 03:37:18 UTC 2015

I have executed the following commands:

  # gpart create -s GPT ada1
  # gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -l sback -s 50G ada1
  # newfs -nL back /dev/ada1p1

so, now I can mount it as either:

  # mount /dev/gpt/sback /mnt
  # mount /dev/ufs/back /mnt

Both seem to work.  However, command

  df -H

reports slightly different numbers:

/dev/ufs/back                           52G    4.1k     48G     0%    /mnt
dev/gpt/dback                          48G    4.0K     45G     0%    /mnt

Which way is the correct way to mount?


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