Synchronizing directory hierarchies via SFTP

Patrick Hess patrickhess at
Wed Dec 9 00:13:33 UTC 2015

Michael Ross wrote:
> Am .12.2015, 00:43 Uhr, schrieb Patrick Hess <patrickhess at>:
> > Just came across LFTP, According to the feature list,
> > it has support for SFTP and also comes with a "built-in mirror and  
> > reverse mirror" option.
> lftp is used a lot here to mirror directories via sftp. Would recommend.

Tried it today, works like a charm. In comparison to csync, I noticed
that the initial directory traversal in particular is a lot faster
with LFTP. And since there's still a big question mark behind sshfs
regarding its stability on FreeBSD, I'll just settle for LFTP and
call it a day.

> Check out the fine-tuning available with "set -a".

Wow, that's a lot of stuff to mess up... Maybe some other day.
So far, the defaults seem to work just fine for me.


PS: Here's the quick'n'dirty Expect script I hacked together,
    in case someone has a use for it.

expect -c '
   set timeout -1;

   spawn lftp -u '"$SFTP_USERNAME"' sftp://'"$SFTP_SERVER"';

   expect "Passwor\[dt\]:";
   send "'"$SFTP_PASSWORD"'\r";

   expect "lftp *> ";
   send "mirror -v --reverse --dereference --delete --overwrite --exclude-glob *.swp '"$LOCAL_DIR"' '"$REMOTE_DIR"'\r"

   expect "lftp *> ";
   send "quit\r";

   expect eof;

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