is pkg saying courier and postfix are incompatible?

Daniel Staal DStaal at
Thu Sep 18 16:27:55 UTC 2014

--As of September 17, 2014 10:34:43 PM -0600, Dale Scott is alleged to have 

>> The Courier project though developed several other mail-handing programs
>> - the most popular of which (and more common than the mail server
>> itself) is the IMAP server, and associated authentication server.
>> That's what you are trying to install, and it works just fine with
>> Postfix - I was using it until very recently in that capacity.
> So courier-authlib-ldap is a full LDAP server? I'm already using
> OpenLDAP, which I would prefer to leave it as-is. I thought
> courier-authlib-ldap might be an interface from courier-authlib to a
> 3rd-party LDAP server (i.e. OpenLDAP).

No: it's the authentication agent/server for the Courier programs.  It 
operates as a separate daemon and provides some service to check who can 
log in, etc.  I don't think it does LDAP itself - just that it can 
communicate with an LDAP server.

I believe the point was so that Courier (the mail server) and Courier-IMAP, 
etc. didn't have to separately implement LDAP/password/etc. for every 
possible user authentication method.

>>  (I switched to Dovecot, which a lot of people like.  It seems to be
>>  more up-to-date, although I haven't seen the speed increases people
>>  claim.)
> Do you know if it's difficult to setup Dovecot to authenticate a webmail
> username and password using /etc/master.passwd (like the Hong recipe with
> courier-authlib), or authenticate using an OpenLDAP server?

It wasn't hard to use password auth, and I assume they've got LDAP auth set 
up fairly easily as well.  There are guides out there.  Dovecot is slightly 
more straightforward to set up, since it wasn't designed as an add-on to 
something else.

Daniel T. Staal

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