is pkg saying courier and postfix are incompatible?

Daniel Staal DStaal at
Thu Sep 18 00:18:34 UTC 2014

--As of September 17, 2014 3:25:04 PM -0600, Dale Scott is alleged to have 

> I then installed the main courier pkg thinking there might be undocumented
> dependencies. Pkg reported during install that courier was incompatible
> with Postfix, and would be uninstalling Postfix for me. I hoped I could
> re-install Postfix later, but now pkg is telling me it needs to delete
> courier to install Postfix, so it seems there is some incompatibility
> between the two.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

This is correct - Courier (the 'main' port/package) and Postfix are 
mutually incompatible, in the same way Postfix and Sendmail are. 
Courier-main is a mail server - the same as Postfix, Sendmail, Exim, etc. 
You aren't going to want more than one of those installed on your system at 
the same time.

The Courier project though developed several other mail-handing programs - 
the most popular of which (and more common than the mail server itself) is 
the IMAP server, and associated authentication server.  That's what you are 
trying to install, and it works just fine with Postfix - I was using it 
until very recently in that capacity.  (I switched to Dovecot, which a lot 
of people like.  It seems to be more up-to-date, although I haven't seen 
the speed increases people claim.)

So, yes you've departed significantly from the howto you were using.  ;) 
Courier-main you need to uninstall.  Courier-IMAP and Courier-auth you'll 
need to keep.

Daniel T. Staal

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