
Walter fbsd at saveouraquifer.org
Wed Oct 15 22:25:46 UTC 2014

On 10/15/14, 4:27 PM, Rolf Nielsen wrote:
> On 2014-10-15 21:58, Walter wrote:
> > but it's hard to know how useful these are without trying them
> > all, and I'm hoping people here can guide me.  Ultimately, I'm
> > interested in secure, encrypted p2p operations starting with basic
> > messaging, which will run on Windows-something, Mac, and Linux
> > (BSD) OS's.
> And just as pear is a flavour of apple, BSD is really a flavour of
> Linux... Right?
I may run BSD on some servers, but most people run Linux with
a desktop.  And if it runs on Linux, it will likely run under BSD.

Or am I wrong on that?  Or that most people use Linux over BSD?


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