AI project - looking for programmers feedback

Felix Hediger felix.hediger at
Fri Nov 14 21:18:26 UTC 2014


I don't know if this is the right mailing list to post this; if not please
accept my apologizes, as I don't want to spam your communication medium.
Perhaps you could also direct me to a more appropriate place to post this.

Fact is that when using freebsd years ago, I was amazed by both the
technical quality and the communication standard offered by it's mailing
lists. Today I hope my work might encounter a positive resonance within the
freebsd developper-community, and that even if it's not directly
freebsd-related at the moment, it will perhaps benefit the project in the
long term.

In any case, here is my message:

Years ago, I've posted something about an artificial intelligence project.
Well, things have evolved to a point where I think *it *could theoretically
(=on a philosophical level) work, and am now looking for coders interested
in helping me transcript this theory into something programmable.

I've written a summary-draft to give an overview of the model I'm working
on, which is accessible here:

It's mostly philosophy at the moment, put as simply as I could, and really
more like a hobby project, so please don't expect the moon.

Again, my point is to present a model of consciousness to people way more
knowledgeable in programming than I am, hoping to trigger enough feedback
to slowly translate this model into a plan. No actual coding yet. Thus any
question / comment is welcomed, as long as it is done in a constructive way.

Really helpful would be something like this: you can imagine how you'd
program it while reading the text, and post me whatever problem you think
will show up, so I can refine the model, and so on.

Hoping for the best,


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