Alpine inbox format error

Jesse Gooch lists at
Wed May 7 21:54:16 UTC 2014

Hi Brian,

On 07/05/14 01:55 PM, Brian W. wrote:
> Does anyone know what causes the alpine error inbox not in valid format? A
> few times a year my wife gets this problem while I never do on my freebsd
> with postfix server.
> Brian

My first thought would be that the inbox is not in a valid format. Have
you ruled that out? Nothing in your message seems to indicate that you
have. Second, is your wife also running FreeBSD? What version of
FreeBSD? What version of alpine? You have provided scant details, and
this makes it very difficult to diagnose the issue.

Snark aside, have you ruled out disk failure? Disks die like flies. Make
sure you have a proper backup. If the disk has failed, the inbox may be
getting corrupted, and then would not be in a valid format.

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