Real time traffic overview

Trond Endrestøl Trond.Endrestol at
Mon Mar 24 13:23:44 UTC 2014

On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:18+0100, Jos Chrispijn wrote:

>    Running my server on FreeBSD 9.2 in the DMZ, I would like to know if
>    there is a program / graphical user interface on which I _real_time_
>    can see  what kind of traffic is entering my server (ports)? Running
>    ipfw but that is more statical / once a day list overview.

Unless you also need to monitor IPv6 traffic, have a look at 

| Vennlig hilsen,               | Best regards,                      |
| Trond Endrestøl,              | Trond Endrestøl,                   |
| IT-ansvarlig,                 | System administrator,              |
| Fagskolen Innlandet,          | Gjøvik Technical College, Norway,  |
| tlf. mob.   952 62 567,       | Cellular...: +47 952 62 567,       |
| sentralbord 61 14 54 00.      | Switchboard: +47 61 14 54 00.      |

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