ZFS, GPTIDs, and using the whole disk

Chris Stankevitz chrisstankevitz at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 23:47:51 UTC 2014

Please identify any false statements:

1. ZFS prefers to use the entire disk.

2. The only way to refer to an entire disk is by the device name e.g. /dev/da4

3. Device names like /dev/da4 are not persistently connected to actual
SATA ports on your motherboard/expander.  For example, if you start
hot swapping disks, even if you put them back in the same slot, their
device names might change.  Even if you don't hot swap, the device
name for a particular disk might change for other reasons (e.g. if you
have a USB drive plugged in during boot).

4. Because of (3) it is dangerous to use device names when building a zpool

5. GPTIDs are persistently attached to physical drives.

5a. This is because the GPTID is written on the disk when you create the GPTID.

6. A GPTID does not refer to an entire disk.

6a. A GPTID refers to a partition

7. You can create a zpool of GPTIDs

8. A zpool created from GPTIDs will not be using the entire disk.

9. You cannot simultaneously allow ZFS access to the entire disk while
keeping persistent names/labels.

Thank you,


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