Stability of unionfs - general recommendation?

Matthias Petermann matthias at
Sun Jun 8 09:17:46 UTC 2014


I'm planning a new server for the purpose of hosting multiple Jails.
Each jail will get a dedicated UFS2 filesystem sourced from gvinum volumes.
To make maintenance of the Jail base installation more efficient I consider
to mount the dedicated filesystem(s) as an overlay above the base

Here is where unionfs comes into play as it provides these capabilities.

My internet research yielded some questionable results on the stability of
unionfs. I understood there was an "old" implementation and a "newer" one
introduced in FreeBSD 6.3[1].

Anyway - I'm curious if someone has a similiar setup running and can provide
me some advice when to use unionfs and when not.

Thanks in advance & kind regards,

Matthias Petermann <matthias at> |
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