[Bulk] Re: How much swap space for a 32 GB RAM system?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at rocketmail.com
Tue Jul 22 18:02:22 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-07-22 at 13:35 -0400, Michael Powell wrote:
> Since I don't use such things (me sysadmin - not a coder) I'm not as 
> knowledgeable, but I seem to recall that a crash dump needs a swap
> that is as large as physical memory.

"My 48GB swap file system isn't fully recognized.
Q. What is the max amount of swap a system can use?
A. Are you sure you want/need that much swap anyway? The old-school 2-4x
RAM doesn't really apply, though you may want a bit more than 1x
physical RAM if you are capturing a crash dump, and some systems have
>32GB RAM now. Swap can be limited by kern.maxswzone which controls the
size of metadata use to track swap (8.X default is 64MB allowing ~15GB
of swap). Note other changes are required to have >8x physical RAM for
swap." - https://commons.lbl.gov/display/~jwelcher@lbl.gov/FreeBSD

Interesting thread, since there isn't an answer for Linux and I plan to
use a new FreeBSD install in the close future too.

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