Future of pf / firewall in FreeBSD ? - does it have one ?

Eric Masson emss at free.fr
Sun Jul 20 19:14:40 UTC 2014

krad <kraduk at gmail.com> writes:


> I really like the idea of the openpf version, that has been mentioned
> in this thread.

It would be nice but as it's been written in this thread, Open & Free
internals are quite different beasts, goals are different on both
platforms, so I doubt OpenPF will exist in the future.

> It would be awesome if it ended up as a supported linux thing as well,
> so the world could be rid of iptables.

Linux world will get rid of iptables one of these days, nftables
inclusion in mainline is a clear signal.

I don't really like linux firewalling engines but projects like OpenWRT
and Luci hide the command line hell in most cases, so I'm slowly
retiring FreeBSD/pf handcrafted appliances in favor of OpenWRT boxes.

Éric Masson

 Bonjour je sais qu il existe un prog pour faire des cartes bancaires
 puis je l avoir par mail pas pour en fabriquer mais par curiosite
 merci a tous
 -+- LM In GNU : La cléf pour fabriquer un neuneu enfin dévoilée -+-

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