Why was nslookup removed from FreeBSD 10?

Al Plant noc at hdk5.net
Wed Jan 29 23:26:20 UTC 2014

Frank Leonhardt wrote:
> Unbelievable, but true - someone somewhere thought that removing 
> nslookup from the base system was the way to go.
> Why? Can anyone shed any light on how this decision was made?
> That's the question. The remainder are a few observations to save an 
> obvious response...
> nslookup has been deprecated in some quarters for while now, with that 
> annoying message asking people to use dig instead, although ISC changed 
> its mind on this point after BIND 9.8. That's not a reason, and anyway, 
> dig is missing too.
> Was it dropped because it's part on BIND, and that's been dropped from 
> the base system (bad idea if you ask me, but no one did)? Well, as far 
> as I can tell, this move has left us having to use "host" instead, and 
> that's part of the BIND package too.
> What's next? Will someone get the bright idea that "ls" is a bit dated 
> and/or unfamiliar to Microsofties and replace it with "dir"? (And EVEN 
> WINDOWS has nslookup).
> If I wanted an OS that lacked features such as DNS out of the box, I'd 
> have chosen Linux.
> Regards, Frank.
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Aloha Frank,

I just had to use nslookup and dig.
I am working on moving a DNS for a mail server from an ATM setup to 
inside of a lan with a public IP from my ISP.

Both tools are what Zone Edit uses on their servers. So I am going to 
add the /usr/ports/dns/bind-tools when I replace my current Desktop BSD 
boxes to FreeBSD10.

AL :)

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
   + http://hawaiidakine.com + http://freebsdinfo.org +
   + http://aloha50.net   - Supporting - FreeBSD  7.2 - 8.0 - 9* +
   < email: noc at hdk5.net >
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