pkgng woes

Patrick gibblertron at
Tue Jan 7 22:08:12 UTC 2014

I'm trying to move to pkgng on some 9.2 systems, and I'm having a hard
time finding some working examples of the configuration files one
would need to pull in packages from the official FreeBSD package
servers. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

I started with the /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf.sample, but it's mostly
commented out and refers to files that don't exist.

So then I use the examples from the pkg.conf(5) man page (minus the
http proxy). I get the following error:

# pkg install postfix
Updating repository catalogue
digests.txz          100% 1068KB   1.0MB/s   1.0MB/s   00:01
pkg: Error loading trusted certificates
pkg: Unable to find catalogs

The Handbook page on pkgng
( has lots of
useful for any mention or examples of the configuration files you need
to actually use it.

I'm guessing there's something obvious I must be missing, but as a new
user to pkgng (but long time FreeBSD user), this is a somewhat
frustrating experience. I don't see really any discussion out there on
other people experiencing the same issue, so there must be something
I'm not seeing that's right in front of me...

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


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