Installing without blowing away GRUB/MBR

Warren Block wblock at
Sat Feb 15 16:18:52 UTC 2014

On Sat, 15 Feb 2014, Polytropon wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Feb 2014 21:52:11 -0500, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
>> What I'm imagining is that I'll end up with a freebsd-boot partition with
>> stage1 and stage2 in it, and then a ZFS partition with everything else. (To
>> throw a curve, I want to set up mirroring, and I assume I want either
>> manually or automatically to end up with an equivalent freebsd-boot partition
>> on the second disk.)
> That should be easy to prepare with gpart and gmorror.
> Warren Block wrote an article about that topic which
> you'll find helpful:

That article probably does not apply to this situation (or maybe any... 
I added a warning to it last week).  A ZFS mirror is probably a better 
solution than ZFS on top of a gmirror.

Looking back on this thread, I'm confused.  The subject says MBR, but 
then the text talks about GPT.  If possible, avoid MBR and the 
"partitions inside a partition" mess of EBR or MBR slice/FreeBSD 
partitions and just use GPT.  Grub2 is supposed to handle it.

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