Did /nonexistent go away in FreeBSD 9 ?

John Case case at SDF.ORG
Thu Aug 21 20:45:58 UTC 2014

On Thu, 21 Aug 2014, Michael Sierchio wrote:

>> I removed the securelevel setting and it worked perfectly (the ssh tunnel).
>> I have no idea why the securelevel setting would cause this...
>> Any ideas ?  I would actually like to set securelevel=2, but I also need my
>> ssh tunnel to work ...
> What's the tunnel for? I.e., what sub-protocol are you using? scp? How
> are you authenticating?

It is sshuttle.  Super lightweight ssh tunnel app for creating a simple 
VPN.  Pretty stock, standard SSH tunnel.

Again, works perfectly if securelevel is off, complains about /nonexistent 
not being a real dir (and refuses to log in) if securelevel=2.

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