gpt label missing after adding gjournal

RW rwmaillists at
Tue Aug 12 12:11:28 UTC 2014

I followed Warren Block's howto:
to partition a new drive like this:

 $ gpart show -l ada1
=>        34  5860533101  ada1  GPT  (2.7T)
          34           6        - free -  (3.0K)
          40        1024     1  gp0boot  (512K)
        1064         984        - free -  (492K)
        2048     8388608     2  gp0root  (4.0G)
     8390656    33554432     3  gp0swap  (16G)
    41945088     4194304     4  gp0var  (2.0G)
    46139392   100663296     5  gp0usr  (48G)
   146802688  1468006400     6  gp0home  (700G)
  1614809088  4245723136     7  gp0rest  (2.0T)
  5860532224         911        - free -  (456K)

and then I created gp0home.journal and  gp0rest.eli.journal

when I rebooted gp0home was missing from /dev/gpt

$ ls  /dev/gpt
gp0boot gp0rest gp0root gp0swap gp0usr  gp0var

The gjournal partition is recognized as
/dev/ada1p6.journal and can be mounted, but I can't mount it with the
gpt label.

Anyone know what's going on? 

I could glabel it, but I'm wary of committing any data to it without
knowing what's going on.

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