List Spam Filtering

Julian H. Stacey jhs at
Sat May 11 01:35:18 UTC 2013

> From:		Erich Dollansky <erichsfreebsdlist at> 
> Date:		Thu, 9 May 2013 08:33:47 +0700 

Erich Dollansky wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 09 May 2013 02:26:26 +0200
> "Julian H. Stacey" <jhs at> wrote:
> > 
> > If list write access was changed to Subscribers Only:
> some lists are like this anyway. Why are not all like this?

Good question. I don't know why. I wish all were, it would keep spam out.

To allow a free-er environment for us than that might first give:
Taking the syntax of majordomo as an example to illustrate an idea in
	(I know moved on to Mailman, but I'm assuming/
	hoping Mailman is at least equally as flexible as Majordomo;
	& as I'm an administrator for Majordomo lists, & have tried
	the idea below & seen it work, I can quote syntax for it correctly)

Given a list eg scsi at freebsd might exist that happended to go from open to
	restrict_post = scsi
ie write only for subscribers, it could easily be made eg
	restrict_post = scsi questions hackers
So others in eg questions who had occasional scsi specific questions
could be referred to post there without person needing to subscribe to
scsi@ as a regular (& agreed, just hope all respondents CC
the OP, if OP is too lazy/ busy to subscribe eg scsi@).

Most list config files could do that, so it would be equally possible
for eg someone subscribed to hardware@ to answer a question posted
to questions@, even if the answering hardware@ person was not
personaly subscribed to & reading every post to questions at .
questions@ could have a questions.config with something like:
	restrict_post = questions hackers current ports scsi etc....

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
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