zfs configuration

Ivailo Tanusheff i.tanusheff at procreditbank.bg
Tue Jan 22 07:24:57 UTC 2013


If you are using different filesystem for /tmp, which I guess you do, I 
would recommend trying: 
zfs set mountpoint=/something zfsroot/tmp
This way you will change the mountpoint to some other location. Also if 
you have trouble dismounting the system you can do:
1. fstat to find out which process is using the system;
2. use -f option to force the dismount process.

Hope this helps.


Ivailo Tanusheff

Don Dugger <dondugger47 at gmail.com> 
Sent by: owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
21.01.2013 17:51

freebsd-questions at freebsd.org

zfs configuration

Hi All,

So I use zfs for the root file system. Works well. However now I want to
move /tmp to ram-disk (memory disk or what ever). When I try to unmount
/tmp with the zfs command of course it won't because its busy. With ufs I
would just edit fstab and reboot what do I don with zfs??

Thx in advance...

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