svn-export Re: svn bdb checkout?

Peter Vereshagin peter at
Sun Jan 20 15:32:39 UTC 2013


2013/01/18 23:50:17 +0000 Xyne <xyne at> => To Warren Block :
X> On 2013-01-17 21:32 -0700
X> Warren Block wrote:
X> >A working version in any language would be great.  A better version in 
X> >Python would be nice, too, but it's the working part that's important.
X> There's a difference between "working" and "working on a random system with
X> unexpectedly disabled features". The current version works in the former sense.

I suppose the latter is what the perl5 in general and cpan (cpan-testers at
the least) was always considered to be about.

I'd disclose that following TIMTOWTDI the so called 'modern perl' and a
'perl6' can be used to reconsider on this.

For the case of following the former line the switch to python may (or may not)
happen to be the (good) difference about such a freebsd-related task. Will

Thank you.

Peter Vereshagin <peter at> ( pgp: 1754B9C1

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