Looking for info on how to install and configure suPHP on FreeBSD 8

Matt Rauch mattr-lists at eagle.ca
Thu Jan 3 22:36:32 UTC 2013


I apologize if there is an easy spot to find this, but I'm looking for some
instructions on implementing suPHP on FreeBSD 8 with Apache. The server is
currently in production and I'd like to convert it from running PHP files as
an Apache module and instead as cgi with suPHP for security and for some
issues that crop up with file and directory ownership with Joomla and other
CMS platforms. I have done quite a bit of searching and cannot find just a
step by step installation guide of any kind for FreeBSD. I can find my way
around FreeBSD pretty well, but am by no means an expert user, hence why a
guide would be perfect.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Matt Rauch

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