somewhat OT ... in parts

Gary Kline kline at
Thu Jan 3 02:59:44 UTC 2013


	it was bill joy and friends  who clued me in on how-to use the
	vi that he was writing in the late 70's.  I've been stuck on that 
	editor--or VIIM in recent years.  Bill's original editor became 
	COPYRIGHT of UNIX {TM}, and of course you just didnt mess with
	"the telephone company."  I was glad when keith bostic wrote an
	exact clone of bill joy's editor.  I'm still getting used to vim.

	one reason ive stuck with vim-as-vi was of the colors that vim 
	defaults to.  I'v fought the dark/crap/puke brown  /<search>
	color that seems to be the default on my linux desktop.  it's hard
	to see my block cursor when I search for words.  und`zo, today I 
	spend a couple hours tracking down this color feature in vim.  was
	pleased to find that there was a blue-tone color set.  my joints
	are complaining so I'll ask if any of you can give me the right 
	terms to google for.  I'd like to find a lighter blue or play 
	around with the colors.  {am assuming that vim is the same across
	the linux and berkeley distributions.}

	thanks in advance for a few url's.  


	PS:  OH; the offtopic thing.  I'm done, or =very= close with my
	voice by computer program.  It's in C with gtk and AFAICT works
	only on linux.  ive got a few months of cleaning up before 
	release 0.51 will be finished.  in the FBSD world, this would
	fit into the accessibility directory.  now, the speech-impaired
	who can type will be able to communicate with anyone.  VBC requires
	espeak and gvim.  

 Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix
              Twenty-six years of service to the Unix community.

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