FreeBSD: GIT instaed of SVN?

CyberLeo Kitsana cyberleo at
Wed Jan 2 10:40:07 UTC 2013

On 01/02/2013 02:31 AM, O. Hartmann wrote:
> When it comes to keeping sources, most developer and most large 
> dislocated and non-centralized projects prefer GIT over
> Subversion.
> FreeBSD has moved from the ancient CVS to Subversion not long ago
> and I was wondering why freeBSD would have done this, since
> Subversion lacks in so many aspects of a modern revision system.
> Well, I face several odds now since I need a kind of hot
> replication system that replicates my Subversion repositories and I
> feel uncomfortable with the way Subversion performs this. I decided
> to move forward to GIT which seems more appropriate in any aspect
> and while I do not have so much legacy to carry on with, I think
> for me pesonally the move is more logical.
> But what is with the FreeBSD project? Are there any attempts or 
> intentions to bring GIT also to the sources (the base system, the
> ports)?

Basically, the workflow practiced by the FreeBSD developers and
release engineers would have to change completely, otherwise Git would
fight them every step of the way.

There are those of us who maintain Git mirrors of the project repos
(with or without local patchsets), but they are in no way official.

Fuzzy love,
Furry Peace! -

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