Restricting Periodic Scripts

Tim Gustafson tjg at
Wed Feb 6 17:26:18 UTC 2013

I have a FreeBSD ZFS file server with tens of millions of files stored on it.

But, the daily periodic scripts like
/etc/periodic/security/110.neggrpperm and
/etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate take hours iterating through those
folders, and I just don't need them to be scanned.

I see that I can edit /etc/locate.rc to fix the behavior for
/etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate but I don't see a way to exclude
folders from other scripts like /etc/periodic/security/110.neggrpperm
from scanning them.  Is there any way to prune out folders that I
don't want scanned, or should I just disable those jobs?


Tim Gustafson
tjg at
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A

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