php problems

Mark Moellering mark at
Tue Aug 6 03:33:17 UTC 2013

A few years ago (2011) I set up an email system for a small internet 
based company.  I used postfix with a mysql backend for virtual 
accounts.  I also set up apache to test a php based webmail front-end.
I set up several php scripts that would run from cron that would query a 
database and look for new email account requests and then do a variety 
of tasks to get everything set up properly.
After I left, someone else made modifications to the system and things 
stopped working properly.  A few months ago I was asked to try and get 
things working again.

I discovered that all php scripts now generate a seg fault.

I tried a simple "hello world" type program
the actual code is :
echo "test"
and the output was;

testsegmentation fault

The system is FreeBSD 8.2 and php 5.3

If anyone has any idea of what changes might have been made that could 
cause this, please let me know.  My other thought was to try 
reinstalling / upgrading php.

Thanks in advance

Mark Moellering

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