FreeBSD 8.x sysisntall dists

Rick Miller vmiller at
Wed Sep 26 18:46:44 UTC 2012

>> dists=base kernels GENERIC SMP DEBUG doc catpages
>> DEBUG was added to the above along with the new release build.  All
>> distributions get installed with the exception of DEBUG.  In looking
>> through sysinstall sources (I am not much of a C programmer to begin
>> with) and it appears as though the sources need to be modified to
>> support a new DEBUG distribution.
>> I wonder if you might be able to confirm or refute this...
> Confirmed. I'll raise a PR with a patch to correct this.

Awesome!  Thanks for the quick reply, Devin!  If you don't mind, will
you pass on the PR so I can track it?  I am also considering
approaching one of our developers to ask if they can write a patch,
would that be helpful?

Take care
Rick Miller

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