new to subversion

jb jb1234abcd at
Sat Sep 22 17:18:49 UTC 2012

Robert Huff <roberthuff <at>> writes:

> 	One quick question:
> 	I've converted from csup to subversion for ports and docs.
> Ports works fine, but for docs, I get messages like:
> Skipped 'mn_MN.UTF-8' -- Node remains in conflict
> 	Deleting the tree and pulling a fresh chackout has not helped.
> 	Any suggestions?

Change to your top-most working copy dir (the one you obtained with checkout):
$ cd working-copy-dir
$ svn status
If you have done no local edits yet or do not care of loosing them (save it
otherwise), then do the following:
$ svn update --accept theirs-full
$ svn status

Did it help ?

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