Updating ports tree with subversion behind an http proxy server

dweimer dweimer at dweimer.net
Fri Oct 5 15:16:32 UTC 2012

I am working on switching from updating my systems with csup to 
subversion, for the systems I have behind a proxy server.  When I was 
using csup, I used an SSH connection, tunneling the 5999 port through 
the proxy server.  Now that I am looking at subversion, I have found the 
~/.subverison/servers file, edited the [global] section removed the 
comment # from the front of the http-proxy-host and http-proxy-port 
lines, and added the correct values.
Realizing I may still have to add some configuration settings to allow 
the subversion http methods through to the proxy, I went ahead and tried 
to run a test check out command.  However it doesn't try to hit the 
proxy server, I just get an immediate no route to host error returned.
I know the server has access to the proxy, I was able to use pkg_add 
with the necessary environment variables to add subversion to this 
system.  The system is a fresh clean install of FreeBSD 9.0-release, 
with only the packages added for subversion.  Looking at the proxy 
server logs the check out doesn't log anything, which leads me to 
believe that svn isn't reading its configuration file, or is simply 
ignoring the http-proxy-host and http-proxy-port lines.
Has anyone setup one of their FreeBSD systems to use subversion behind 
an http proxy, and know what I am missing?

    Dean E. Weimer

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